Dream Interpretation – Common Symbols And Their Meanings
Dream interpretation has many forms; it can be done for the sake of fun, hobby, or can be taken up as a serious career.
Psychologists and therapists are already incorporating dream interpretation into their practice.
They find it as a very useful tool to gain access to hidden desires and deep-rooted personality issues of a dreamer.
Symbols and objects frequently encountered in dream state facilitate dream interpretation.
Here is a summary for ready reference.
- Dreaming of Colors:
- Red- symbolizes either passion or anger.
- Pink- denotes the healing power of love.
- Black- symbolizes fear of death or aging.
- Grey – symbolizes confusion or fear.
- White- signifies fear of death or new surroundings.
- Green – symbolizes healing.
- Blue- stands for sadness.
- Yellow – symbolizes peace, calm and hope.
- Dream about numbers: Dream interpretation has helped in assigning meaning to some numbers.
- One – stands for unity.
- Two – symbolizes equality, spiritual or gender balance.
- Three – stands for unity, harmony, or spiritual fulfillment.
- Five – stands for a change both in positive or negative context.
Likewise, dream interpretation for remaining numbers needs to be evolved on your own experiences.
- Dreaming of a baby or a pregnancy: Dream interpretation of such dreams often points to new experiences in life.
- Dreaming about various other objects:
- Accident – represents fear of physical or mental breakdown.
- Awakening – symbolizes openness to new ideas or experiences.
- Brother – signifies betterment or strained relationship.
- Climbing – stands for attaining new mental, spiritual or physical goals.
- Desert – dreaming of a desert or being lost in a desert stands for loneliness.
- Door – symbolizes better opportunity. If you are afraid of opening a door in the dream, it means that you are afraid of new challenges or trying on new things.
- Eating- stands for nourishment or need to be taken care of.
- Falling – means loss of control or being unable to maintain a position in life.
- Jumping – stands for achieving higher goals.
- Ladder – symbolizes growth.
- Military – denotes a desire for authority.
- Rain – represents depression.
Thus, you can now see how dream interpretation becomes even more fascinating by analyzing the symbols.